Soda Screamer Thirteener

Soda Springs, ID

5K, 10K, Half and 1 mile kids run

  Join us for a run or walk along our beautiful park trails and enjoy the scenery of our wonderful home town, all while being surrounded by the breathtaking view of the Rocky Mountains.

  Come for the half marathon, then take some time to enjoy the largest captive geyser in the world and sample our famous natural soda spring water. 

  Participants will recive a technical shirt, goodies and a finisher's medal and more.  Since this is a Halloween event, participants and volunteers are encouraged to wear costumes for the whole thirteener!  So fasten your hair down and fly with us through Idaho's Running Town!

Packet pickup 5:30 -7 pm at City Hall on Friday, Oct 13 and before 7:30 am race morning.  

Half begins at 8:00 am at Kelly Park

10K begins at 8:30 am at Hooper Springs

5K begins at 9:00 am at Kelly Park

Kids 1 mile begins at 10:00 am at Kelly Park

When & Where

Oct 14, 2017


7:00 AM

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Soda Springs, ID

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